Principles of Beauty
Presenting beautiful new scenery based on aesthetic values nurtured in Japan
MYD Gallery is a gallery for contemporary photo art, established by the architect Makoto Yamaguchi, and distances itself from the values of existing galleries.
The architect Makoto Yamaguchi sees the whole gallery as a piece of scenery and, through the process of placing artwork in the space, leads visitors into a space reflecting aesthetic values. In other words, the gallery exists as a space that shifts with the seasons and as a place where visitors can experience a certain kind of scenery.
Today, we are heading towards a trend where all kinds of situations are finding it more difficult to bring in aesthetic values. But people who feel that beauty is an integral part of their lives know that spending time in a space with aesthetic values also means leading a life with aesthetic values.
Surely the world seeks a gallery where you can find yourself in a space with aesthetic values.
MYD Gallery は、建築家の山口誠によって設立される現代アートフォト・ギャラリーです。
しかし、その名が意味する既存の Gallery の価値観とは距離を置いています。
建築家、山口誠がギャラリー全体を一つの風景と見立て、 アート作品を空間に配置するプロセスで、美意識を反映した空間へと導きます。 つまりギャラリー空間は、季節と共に変化し、 来廊者にとって“ある風景を経験する場所”として存在することになります。
時代の潮流は、あらゆるシーンにおいて、 美意識を持ち込むことを容易には許さない状況に向かっています。 しかし美意識のある空間で時間を過ごすことは、美意識のある人生を過ごすことでもあることを “美を必要とする人々”は知っています。
世界は今、そうした Gallery を求めているはずです。
Photo: Kentaro KUMON
Makoto Yamaguchi is an architect, born in 1972 in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. With a master’s degree in architecture from the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts, he established his architect’s office Makoto Yamaguchi Design in 2001. His designs, seemingly simple at first glance, are actually the integration of a multitude of details based on deep deliberation. One of his early works “Villa/Gallery in Karuizawa,” which was featured in T: The New York Times Style Magazine, has been introduced in media outlets worldwide, and has attracted many requests for visits from people around the world including Aesop founder Dennis Paphitis. Yamaguchi’s recent works mainly consist of resort villas and large-scale second homes. His outstanding artistry has earned him international acclaim, winning many awards including Winner of the International Architecture Awards and the Best Residential Project of the Wallpaper* Design Awards.
山口 誠
Curator for the 1st - 14th exhibitions|
Naoko OHTA
Naoko Ohta is a Japanese gallerist, curator, editor and senior lecturer. She founded the Tokyo-based company Klee Inc. Paris Tokyo in 1987 and has organized over 100 art exhibitions mainly in photography, both in Japan and abroad. One of her recent works has been the production of the 20th century artist Rosanjin in Paris, Kyoto, Shimane and Tokyo(2013-2016). In 2011, Naoko Ohta initiated the NPO « Tokyo-Ga - describing Tokyo scapes by 100 photographers » of which she is the chairman and chief curator in order to document Tokyo in the aftermath of the triple catastrophe of March 2011. The artworks of the Tokyo-Ga project have been shown in New York, Kuala Lumpur and Miami Airport. In order to promote mutual understanding and tolerance, Naoko Ohta has started to focus on cross cultural projects such as the « Two Mountain Photography Project » between Malaysia and Japan. From 1999 - 2001, Naoko Ohta was the Japanese representative at « Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie d’Arles ».
NPO東京画 代表理事 /チーフキュレーター
東京生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部美術史学専攻を卒業。国内外の美術館、ギャラリーとのコラボレーションに参加し、現在までに100余の展覧会をキュレーションする。近年は文化交流や日本文化の発信に関わるプロジェクト『L‘art de Rosanjin』『東京画』を立ち上げ、コミッショナーを務める。